
Product: Egyptian Grapes
Variety: Flame – Crimson – Red globe – Black – Superior

  • Crimson: Middle of August till October
  • Red globe: July till September.
  • Superior : May till August
  • Flames:  May till June End

Packaging: 5 Kg Carton contains 8-9 plastic bags X 500 Gm.
5.5 kg Carton contains 10 punnet X 500 Gm
Shipping: Sea Shipment & Air Shipment.



Grapes is one of the most commonly grown fruit crops in the world. Nutrients in grapes can help to protect against cancer, eye problems, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions of health. Resveratrol is a crucial nutrient in grapes that can provide health benefits. Grapes are a healthy source of food, potassium and a number of vitamins and other minerals. Grapes are ideal for people with diabetes as long as they are included in the diet schedule.